End of Year Reflections

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If you told me this time last year that I’d be on the path I’m on now, I’d be optimistic about my future, but also doubtful at the same time. Since my time in college, I’ve known that it’s possible, but situations are different and doubts about actually getting things going would have lingered.

Fast forward to today, and things are going quite well all in all. I’m down right about 30lbs since I started this new journey in September. I’m eating better, and doing what I can to better take care of myself overall. I’m not seeing this change anytime soon as I’ve had more than enough time to take it from personal duty to habit. I’m also very proud of the fact that I was able to do this all during “off season” as compared to the looming New Years Eve celebration and resolutions from others about getting in better shape.

My listed goal in my health apps like MyFitnessPal etc is a weight of 180lbs. I’m not even halfway to that goal based on my starting weight, though I’m definitely inching up on it. I’m not discouraged by this detail either, by any means. Trying to lose 80lbs is not something that happens overnight, and I’m already impressing everyone I talk to about what I’ve accomplished in a mere three months. Their excitement for me is keeping me excited and focused.

I look forward to where I’ll be the next time my company schedules an in-person get together for everyone who can make it, as it was our last one in September that made me “snap” and finally take action. It’ll be very interesting to compare photos between those two times. I also have PHP[cruise] happening next summer which will take me down into the Bahamas. I’ll let you use your own imagination regarding the thought of myself being in the best physical shape of my life during that week on that type of event. I’ll leave mine at all the learning I’d be doing during the conference being held on that boat. I could see getting a weird rectangle tan spot on my legs from my laptop.

So here’s to a successful end to 2015 and even more success to come in 2016.

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It’s Michael!

Photo of Michael, with his head tilted to the side.


Weight: 244lbs

Last updated: 2024-10-17


General Information

Gym enrollment date: 2015-09-21

First trainer session: 2015-09-23

Current routine

Small group class: HIIT. Personal training: strength and bodybuilding, 4 times/week

Personal Records

List of personal gym records