Summer of change.

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Two months ago, I would not have expected that I’d be writing this post. Right now, I’m excited to. The more some things change, the more they do still stay the same.

As I’ve documented before, I’ve been doing group classes primarily in 2023, and even the tail end of 2022. This came about as a replacement for stepping away from personal 1 on 1 training with Ned. Don’t worry, we’re still on good terms.

Through persistent attendance, not only was I regularly working with some Anytime Fitness trainers, I was also becoming friends with them. We were familiar with each other at the gym. I also began treating my small group classes as a small amount of a social life, and when I get to know people, I can actually become pretty chatty and blossom socially.

All was good in the world, come late spring 2023…

Logo and art for Better Living Personal Training.
Better Living Personal Training

Suddenly, I was made aware that Hannah and Liv were parting ways with their jobs with Anytime Fitness. Hannah I knew from my time with Ned, as she was leading small group classes at the same time that I was getting my 1 on 1 time. Liv I knew primarily from my own participation with small group classes.

Once it was explained to me that they were branching out on their own, together, to form their own LLC, Better Living PT personal training business, I could not be happier for them or a bigger cheerleader.


This feels unexpected but I think in the back of my head it wasn’t as much as it could have been. I wanted a change for myself. I definitely benefited from the small group classes, and getting a mix of HIIT/Cardio based classes as well as strength training. At the same time though, I feel like I was limiting myself slightly at the same time. When you’re participating in class routines that are meant for beginner to intermediate level attendees, you’re probably not getting the maximization that you may be wanting.

I knew then that I was wanting a number of things.

  1. I want to return back to a personalized 1 on 1 training routine when able
  2. I want to help Hannah and Liv get their own business off to a nice start
  3. I want to continue with the HIIT/Cardio classes, as I do feel those are still beneficial.
  4. I want to start focusing on summer 2024, now, in summer 2023.

Thus, this week, the week of June 25th, 2023, and going forward, my schedule is aimed to be roughly as such.

Mondays, stick with Anytime Fitness and their “Burn” small group. Tuesdays and Thursdays, work with Liv for an hour each, doing a more tailored and personal goal focused regiment at the pace that is best for me. Fridays, as up to it and depending on how sore I’m feeling, go back to Anytime Fitness for their Friday “Base” small group. By no means, am I completely abandoning Anytime Fitness, my gym home for many years now.

In terms of frequency, not much will be changing. In terms of timing, I’ll actually get 4:30 central time a bit more standardized for my coworkers and day job.

The new

What’s going to be most new is that my 1 on 1 training is actually going to be longer than I’m used to. With Ned it was a Monday/Wednesday/Friday for 30-ish minute schedule. With Liv, it’s going to be Tuesday/Thursday for 60-ish minute schedule. We’re going to work hard, for longer at a time, in less days of the week. I need my rest and recovery time after all. This isn’t a bad thing.

The other major detail is that we can’t and won’t be still meeting at the Anytime Fitness location we had been, for hopefully very obvious reasons. Instead we will be training in a suburb of Sioux Falls which is a little bit longer of a drive for me but I think it will be absolutely worth it.

Current plans are for me to continue my fasting and lower carbohydrate regiment into late 2023 before switching over to a clean and proper bulk for the winter and then a solid cut leading in to summer 2024.

Let’s make my 40th year on earth a great one, and I’m ready to help Better Living PT have a solid early client in their careers in the personal training space.

Let’s goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

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It’s Michael!

Photo of Michael, with his head tilted to the side.


Weight: 244lbs

Last updated: 2024-10-17


General Information

Gym enrollment date: 2015-09-21

First trainer session: 2015-09-23

Current routine

Small group class: HIIT. Personal training: strength and bodybuilding, 4 times/week

Personal Records

List of personal gym records