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Just had my latest checkin yesterday morning, and have good news. I’m not sure if I originally misheard my schedule, or if they feel that I’m healing well enough to move things up, but I am now likely in my last hard cast. I chose dark blue, which I thought was the dark teal. Nonetheless,…
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I figure it’s due time to provide an update. I am typing this largely one handed as I’m still cast bound on my left arm, and typing with both is still an awkward strain due to inability to rotate forearm to degrees. After I slipped on ice back in December, and landed full weight on…
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Slip on some ice and land on your wrist, causing a tear in some ligaments, and get high recommendations to surgically repair, keeping you on the sidelines for at least 12 weeks. Happy new year?
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What is the 1000 pound club? To join this club, you must achieve combined one rep max of 1,000 pounds in the squat, bench press, and deadlift. ~ According to my personal records page, I’m not THAT far off, and the squat had more than 1 rep for them. By my numbers, I’m seeing:…
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I’m not going to sugar coat anything, I’ve been struggling at control lately and especially on weekends with consumption. Because of that, I’m going to do my best to have a complete Dry July. I don’t think it’s been reversing any progress, but I’m sure it’s hindered new progress. Here’s to it. I’ve been good…
Weight: 244lbs
Last updated: 2024-10-17
Gym enrollment date: 2015-09-21
First trainer session: 2015-09-23
Small group class: HIIT. Personal training: strength and bodybuilding, 4 times/week