• Sleep experimentation

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    As an extra followup to Sleep and various posts mentioning the topic of intermittent fasting, I’m trying out something new. I’m going to begin trying to finish all of my macro intake for a calendar day by 7-7:30pm. This is to give my body enough time to finish processing my food for the day, by…

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  • Sleep

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    Sleep is always an interesting topic. I’ve had my times in my life where I would be waking up begrudgingly before 6am to get to my dayjob at the time. I’ve had times where I was staying up till near 2am or later, fairly regularly and sleeping in until right before I was due to…

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It’s Michael!

Photo of Michael, with his head tilted to the side.


Weight: 241lbs

Last updated: 2023-12-23


General Information

Gym enrollment date: 2015-09-21

First trainer session: 2015-09-23

Current routine

Small group class: HIIT. Personal training: strength and bodybuilding, 4 times/week

Personal Records

List of personal gym records