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Build the muscle in the gym, control the insulin and thus lose the fat, in the kitchen. ~ Michael
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As I have likely demonstrated on this blog, I have been paying a lot of attention to what I found out to be my metabolic health, since last summer. I have done a lot of reading on the topic to help my own metabolic health in the end, and these are the books that I…
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Lose fat via the diet, build muscle via the gym.
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First I got convinced that low carb/keto was the right way to go, and that’s not changing. Then I got convinced that intermittent fasting was the right way to go, and that’s not changing. Now I’m going to see what comes from testing with what sources of carbs do me worse than others. I’m also…
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In no particular order
Weight: 244lbs
Last updated: 2024-10-17
Gym enrollment date: 2015-09-21
First trainer session: 2015-09-23
Small group class: HIIT. Personal training: strength and bodybuilding, 4 times/week